1 year..
1 whole year ago my life turned around completely.
I came stumbling onto Derek Landy's blog asking what fanfiction was... a hell of a lot has changed since then.
I still remember who the first person I talked to was (Nicolette), I still remember thinking how you lot were completely insane
but I also remember staying up until 3am with a tin of Christmas jellybeans talking to you lot and having the most amazing time.
You guys accepted me straight away, introduced me to the world of blogsland and all the people in it.
And I couldn't be more grateful.
I've been on here for fights, people leaving, world disasters, marriages, divorces, people coming and going, family problems, in sickness and in health, fanfiction, OCs, Competition, I even shared New Years with you.What I've learnt is that we're just one, big, insane family. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you guys so much.
I've had one hell of a year (as you can probably see from my previous post.) But you guys were always there for me. And I hope that by now you know that I'm here for you too.
So, 63 posts, some insane memories and almost a year later, we're still here, one huge family who never breaks no matter what and I hope that never changes.
Thank you for being the most amazing people I've ever met.
Lots of love,
Jaffa Morbid xxx
1 whole year ago my life turned around completely.
I came stumbling onto Derek Landy's blog asking what fanfiction was... a hell of a lot has changed since then.
I still remember who the first person I talked to was (Nicolette), I still remember thinking how you lot were completely insane
but I also remember staying up until 3am with a tin of Christmas jellybeans talking to you lot and having the most amazing time.
You guys accepted me straight away, introduced me to the world of blogsland and all the people in it.
And I couldn't be more grateful.
I've been on here for fights, people leaving, world disasters, marriages, divorces, people coming and going, family problems, in sickness and in health, fanfiction, OCs, Competition, I even shared New Years with you.What I've learnt is that we're just one, big, insane family. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you guys so much.
I've had one hell of a year (as you can probably see from my previous post.) But you guys were always there for me. And I hope that by now you know that I'm here for you too.
So, 63 posts, some insane memories and almost a year later, we're still here, one huge family who never breaks no matter what and I hope that never changes.
Thank you for being the most amazing people I've ever met.
Lots of love,
Jaffa Morbid xxx
You're welcome =P
ReplyDeleteIt's been a helluva good year here, glad to have ya with us :) Happy anniversary!
Aw Jaffa I love you to (In a non freaky non lesbian way) *hugs* It was truely a privalage to be the first person to talk to you and I'm honoured that YOU accepted US for all our insanity and found a new way to have fun, I know you have been having a hard time recently and I'm sorry I haven't been on more often to talk about it with doctors appointments and xat not working for me on many occasions but I hope your okaii now
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Jaffa, and a Happy New Year because you sure as hell deserve it *SUPAHUGS AND LOVE*